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HKSHT Training Grant

Aim: To encourage further overseas education and sharing of latest advancement in hand therapy.
Training Grant
The training grant offers successful applicant up to a maximum of $5000 (for Asian countries) and $ 10000 (for foreign countries) per year. The granting of training fund is subject to the availability of budget reserve. If there is more than one applicant being accepted as successful candidates, the grant will be shared among the successful applicants. The proposed training event should be held in overseas and related to hand therapy or rehabilitation.

  1. Applicant must be a full member of our society at the time of training event and application.
  2. Application will be announced in the HKSHT website.
    1. Application form can be downloaded from the HKSHT website. Applicants should return the completed application form together with the supporting documents to the Secretary of HKSHT before the application deadline.
    2. Supporting documents include:
      1. Proposed training plan, program pamphlet of the conference/meeting, supporting documents issued by the organizers, abstract of paper presentation etc. whichever is applicable.
      2. Brief curriculum vitae (including qualifications, work experience, and related information on professional development and achievement)
  3. The application deadline is 60 days before the training event. Successful applicant will be notified within 4-6 weeks after application
The selection board is composed of the council members, who will have the final selection decision. All applications will be vetted in the council meeting. Selection is based on the following aspects:
  1. Representation of the training event & years of experience in hand therapy.
  2. Years of HKSHT membership, priority will be given to those having more than 1 year membership prior to application. (Subject to verification by HKSHT)
  3. Presentation: Applicants having oral presentation will have higher priority than poster presentation.
  4. Applicants who have received any kind of sponsorship from other organizations for the said training event will not be considered.
  5. Successful applicants will be subjected to a 2-year exemption period for future HKSHT training grant.
Reimbursement & Report
  1. Reimbursement, accompanied by original proof of attendance and receipts (air tickets, hotel accommodation, conference registration fees) should be submitted to HKSHT no later than 30 days after the training event. HKSHT reserves the right to forfeit payment in case of forgery or dishonesty.
  2. Successful applicant needs to present in the HKSHT annual therapist symposium as a report.
For enquiry, please email at: